Letter From The Presidents

Every New Year represents an opportunity to start anew, to write a new chapter in our life story, and to learn something that will make us feel happier or more informed. At the Princeton Adult School, we fully support that premise and it is evident in our mantra, “Learning Never Ends.”

We invite you to join us in 2025 and explore the more than 300 classes we offer in areas such as arts, home and garden, world languages, health and wellness, among others. We also offer several lecture series throughout the semester. Our main lecture series “IMPACT! How Art, Books, and Ideas Shaped History” will be another blockbuster of interest. Please visit our informative website at princetonadultschool.org and find a class that’s right for you. You can also call us at 609-683-1101 if you have any questions or ideas for us.

Wishing you a fall full of learning,
Martha Friedman and Carol A. Goodheart
Co-presidents, Princeton Adult School Board